Actions for opinion leaders

First professional visits to the destination from opinion leaders and journalists.


In January, the Tourist Board organised two press trips and two fam trip that brought seventeen international journalists and opinion leaders to the province of Girona.

The destination received a visit from a US journalist interested in discovering the Dalinian triangle and the new cultural space in the city of Figueres, Dalí’s family home. At the same time, a renowned British journalist did the Truman Capote route in Palamós, coinciding with the imminent release of a television series in the UK.

Regarding familiarisation trips, a visit to the destination was arranged for a US retreat and mindfulness activity planner which included showing her the region’s range of wellness services and facilities and various hiking routes. Also, a group of fourteen US travel agents’ members of the Florida Travel Association were developed a programme to discover the unique and premium tourism offer of the Costa Brava. This fam trip was a made because of the prior roadshow made by the Tourist Board in USA in 2023.
