June 2023

Summer 2023 kicks off with “good prospects” for visitors and occupation levels on the Costa Brava and in the Girona Pyrenees. Street marketing actions to promote the region’s culture, wine and gastronomy are carried out in Barcelona and in London. The Board launches powerful commercial actions aimed at intermediary channels that attract hundreds of professionals from the sector to the destination and it continues to organise visits to the region from opinion leaders to encourage them to generate content in the global media.

Meanwhile, numerous spaces and towns in the province of Girona organise and hold sports and cultural events of tourist interest, with the support of the Board.

Connections Luxury Europe action

211 professionals participate in Connections Luxury Europe and discover high-end tourist services and facilities in the Costa Brava and Girona Pyrenees. 

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Wine and gastronomy promotion

The Costa Brava and Girona Pyrenees’ wine and gastronomy and Girona Excel·lent are promoted at the Taste of London festival in London.

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Wine and gastronomy promotion

The Costa Brava and Girona Pyrenees’ wine and gastronomy and Girona Excel·lent are promoted at the Taste of London festival in London.

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Promotion in the Belgian market

Participation in the BBT Online MICE workshop and commercial visits to Brussels.

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Promotion in the Belgian market

Participation in the BBT Online MICE workshop and commercial visits to Brussels.

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Blue Flag Beaches

The Costa Brava boasts 38 blue flags.

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Blue Flag Beaches

The Costa Brava boasts 38 blue flags.

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