Prescriber actions

Professional visits to the destination by travel and tourism prescribers and journalists have resumed.


In February, the Tourist Board organised three press trips, four famtrips and three blogtrips, which brought a total of 30 travel agents, journalists and digital content creators from Spain and abroad to the province of Girona.

Specifically, the destination was visited by two Swedish journalists who wanted to explore the destination's wine and food tourism options with the aim of publishing thematic articles on 'slow food' and a travel guide. Two journalists from the Spanish edition of the magazine Travel + Leisure embarked on a programme of visits to experience combined wine tourism and wellness activities on the Costa Brava. Finally, a team of journalists from the Dutch online gastronomic travel magazine Foodies Travel followed a programme devoted exclusively to the Costa Brava's wine tourism market.

As regards the famtrips, a group of eight Spanish travel agents took part in a programme of visits and activities to experience the winter and snow tourism options at the Girona Pyrenees' ski resorts. The destination was also visited by a group of eight travel agents affiliated with ACAVE (Corporate Association of Specialised Travel Agencies), who participated in a programme of active and cultural tourism activities on the Costa Brava.

And with respect to the blogtrips, we would highlight the visit by the Italian influencer Silvia Gottardi, author of the cycle travel blog for women Cicliste per caso, who included Girona as one of the sections of the EuroVelo8 route within a special project intended to raise awareness of the effects of climate change and sustainable tourism.
