Unique Premium Club

The Costa Brava and Girona Pyrenees positioned as a luxury tourist destination.


club-unique-premium-01 The specific provision of high-end and exclusive tourist products, activities and services in the province of Girona is united and internationally promoted by means of the Costa Brava and Pirineu de Girona Unique Premium marketing club. As the body’s ninth marketing club, the Unique Premium club is a strategic product of interest created to meet the specific demands of the current tourist market and the growth of the segment. Services specific to the sector are scattered throughout the Girona region and local professionals have the knowledge required to develop such services. The club will help generate new business opportunities for local companies, as well to make the Costa Brava stand out as a destination through its quality, authenticity and exclusivity. A club presentation held on 16 December was attended by some sixty industry professionals and representatives. The presentation outlined the club structure, with its general assembly, executive committee and expert jury to assess audit results, and also discussed member requirements, shareholdings according to company type and the initial Action Plan for 2016.
