New publication

Presentation of "Costa Brava Girona Pyrenees. 51 hiking, biking and kayaking routes" by Sergi Lara.

MAY 2016

The 240-page book presents 51 walking, bike and kayak routes for sports lovers and fans: Ten walks from the Fluvià and Ter rivers, ten walks in the Costa Brava, thirteen bike routes and eight kayak routes both by sea and the Ter and Fluvià rivers, plus relevant addresses and an index of toponyms. The publication of this project was the result of a proposal that the geographer, writer, photographer and professional mountain guide Sergi Lara and Triangle Books presented to the Costa Brava Girona Tourist Board of the Provincial Council of Girona in 2015, coinciding with the Year of Nature on the Costa Brava and Girona Pyrenees. The book, available in five languages, can be found at all province libraries and includes photographs, topographic maps and practical hiking advice.
